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BSR Cultural Funding Tools


The Seed Money Facility grants EU funding on application for the development of projects that contribute to the implementation of the actions and objectives of a priority area or horizontal action of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Partners that receive seed money funding will draft a project plan that can be further developed into an application to any of the EU or national funding sources e.g. the European Structural & Investment Funds programmes 2014-2020. The plan has to include a description of activities and outputs, the composition of the partnership, the indicative budget and an analysis of funding possibilities. If the future project is to be focused on investments, also feasibility and pre-investment studies can be financed. The seed money funding is granted for a period up to one year. In addition, the projects are granted two extra months for managing all tasks related to concluding of a contract. The total budget of the seed money project may range from 30,000 to 50,000 EUR at which the grant co-financing rate amounts up to 85%. The organizations implementing the seed money projects are expected to complement their grants with own contributions, which must not come from other EU sources.


With the launch of the CBSS Project Support Facility, the Council of the Baltic States took one more step on the road towards a more project oriented regional cooperation. The main purpose of the CBSS Project Support Facility is to co-finance the development and implementation of Baltic Sea macro-regional cooperation projects, which would bring added value for the Baltic Sea Region, show impact in regional cooperation and foster long-term partnerships. The Project Support Facility should be used to facilitate project preparation and implementation in relation to the politically defined five priority areas of the CBSS. Every project applicant has to indicate the planned budget in an application form. Thereby, the planned costs must be divided into the following budget lines - personnel costs, travel and subsistence costs, sub-contracting costs, other direct costs and administration/ overhead. The total budget of the PSF may range from 10,000 to 50,000 EUR, in which projects must have secured a minimum of 10% co-funding. The planned timeframe of the facility is March 2013 until 2015, with a continuous open call for applications.


Transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea region continues in the funding period 2014-2020. After more than two years of intense work, the Joint Programming Committee, comprising national delegations from eight EU Member States (Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden) as well as the neighbouring countries Norway, Belarus, and Russia, approved the Cooperation Programme on 14 may, 2014, in Warsaw. After the approval by the Joint Programming Committee, the Cooperation Programme was submitted to participating EU countries and Norwegian governments for final national endorsement. On 4 September 2014 the Programme was submitted to the European Commission for approval and approved on 18 December 2014.


Creative Europe is the European Commission's framework programme for support to the culture and media sectors. It has a budget of €1.46 billion over the next seven years and consists of two sub-programmes; the Culture sub-programme supporting performing and visual arts, heritage and other areas, and the MEDIA sub-programme which will provide funding for the cinema and audiovisual sector. It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans. The programme will allocate at least 56% of its budget for the MEDIA sub-programme and at least 31% for the Culture sub-programme. A maximum of 13% of the budget will be assigned to the cross-sectoral strand, which includes support for 'Creative Europe Desks' in each participating country, providing advice to potential beneficiaries. Around €60 million is earmarked for policy cooperation and for fostering innovative approaches to audience building and new business models.


Nordic Culture Point serves as the secretariat for the Nordic Council of Ministers’ two cultural programmes: the Culture and Art Programme and the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture (called The Mobility Programme). The programs are open to artists and cultural operators within all artistic and cultural forms. The programs cover a range of different types of grants, from travel grants to grants for perennial productions. The various forms of grants have different objectives, criteria and deadlines for applications. The Nordic cultural cooperation is to function as an additional input to the culture and arts of the Nordic countries and the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland.


The Nordic Culture Fund supports projects on the theme of cultural co-operation, projects that enhance co-operation and projects with considerable Nordic content.  The Fund supports projects that involve at least three Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden or the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland). In addition to the three Nordic countries, the project may include co-operation with partners in countries outside the Nordic Region. The project must be co-operative in nature, and involve exchange and/or interaction.


The Swedish Institute invites Swedish organisations to submit applications for seed funding under the framework for collaboration in the Baltic Sea region. The project activities that the Swedish Institute supports must be aimed at developing conditions for long-lasting sustainable relations between organisations in the Baltic Sea region. The basis of activities for developing relations is the meeting between individuals and organisations whose aim is to support and stimulate the development of mutual and sustainable relations, partnerships and alliances. The projects are to be based on a clear needs analysis and take an innovative approach in the region – for instance, this could involve collaboration in new constellations, with new methods or on a new theme. Seed funding is intended to be used to start new collaborations or expand existing ones in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and in some cases in Moldova and Georgia.