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Open Call Light.Move.Festival

The largest Polish light festival is going a new for its 11th edition in Łódź, Poland various parks and other green spaces. The organisers are looking for unconventional artistic works for the festival with the topic CONNECT. Deadline: 10 February

In September 2021 the 11th edition of the Light.Move.Festival is taking place in Łódź, Poland. The aim of the programme is to focus on different people, their place in the world, social, spiritual and artistic ties, real and virtual relations and the condition of interpersonal contacts in the face of the many challenges of the 21st century.

The festival is taking place in various parks and other green spaces. Unconventional artistic works that change the looks of the parks are called for by the organisers. Especially light installations, interactive installations or interdisciplinary projects in connection with art of light are wished for.

Until 10 February 2021 artists, light designers, architects and people dealing with the art of light and visual arts are welcome to apply to the open call.

Caused by the gathering restrictions the festival cannot take place like the years before and will offer a live stream, workshops and corona-compliant programme.

Light.Move.Festival is organised and established by Lux Pro Monuments, a foundation that aims to show produce cultural parts of Łódź. Festival’s events are addressed to all people that are aesthetically sensitive, tempted by something intellectually stimulating. All of it can be provided by light.